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A Property
A food or drink item contained in a menu or menu section.

Values expected to be one of these types

Used on these types


Example 1
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
  1. A simple menu example with a single menu section for tacos and a taco menu item.
  2. Note that additional menus are possible for specific languages using the
  3. inLanguage property.
Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
  1. <script type="application/ld+json">
  2. {
  3.    "@context":"",
  4.    "@type":"Restaurant",
  5.    "url":"",
  6.    "name":"Some Restaurant",
  7.    "description":"This is the Some Restaurant located on 345 Spear St. San Francisco, 94105 CA. It serves Indian-Mexican fusion cuisine",
  8.    "servesCuisine":[
  9.       "Indian-Mexican Fusion"
  10.    ],
  11.    "hasMenu":{
  12.       "@type":"Menu",
  13.       "hasMenuSection":{
  14.          "@type":"MenuSection",
  15.          "name":"Tacos",
  16.          "description":"Tacos inspired by India cuisine.",
  17.          "image":[
  18.             "",
  19.             ""
  20.          ],
  21.          "offers":{
  22.             "@type":"Offer",
  23.             "availabilityEnds":"2017-03-02T08:22:00",
  24.             "availabilityStarts":"2017-03-02T08:22:00"
  25.          },
  26.          "hasMenuItem":{
  27.             "@type":"MenuItem",
  28.             "name":"Aloo Gobi Taco",
  29.             "description":"Mexico City-style street corn tortilla taco filled with a flavorful mixture of mildly south Indian spiced cauliflower, potato, tomato, onions and bell peppers.",
  30.             "offers":{
  31.                "@type":"Offer",
  32.                "price":"3.50",
  33.                "priceCurrency":"USD"
  34.             },
  35.             "nutrition":{
  36.                "@type":"NutritionInformation",
  37.                "calories":"170 calories",
  38.                "fatContent":"3 grams",
  39.                "fiberContent":"2 grams",
  40.                "proteinContent":"4 grams"
  41.             },
  42.             "suitableForDiet":""
  43.          }
  44.       },
  45.       "inLanguage":"English"
  46.    }
  47. }
  48. </script>
Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.
Example 2
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
  1. An example of a menu with nested MenuSections.
Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
  1. <script type="application/ld+json">
  2. {
  3.    "@context":"",
  4.    "@type":"Restaurant",
  5.    "url":"",
  6.    "name":"The Restaurant",
  7.    "image":"",
  8.    "description":"This is an example restaurant that serves American cuisine.",
  9.    "servesCuisine":[
  10.       "American cuisine"
  11.    ],
  12.    "hasMenu":{
  13.       "@type":"Menu",
  14.       "name":"Dine-In Menu",
  15.       "description":"Menu for in-restaurant dining only.",
  16.       "hasMenuSection":[
  17.          {
  18.             "@type":"MenuSection",
  19.             "name":"Dinner",
  20.             "description":"Dinner dishes",
  21.             "image":"",
  22.             "offers":{
  23.                "@type":"Offer",
  24.                "availabilityEnds":"2017-03-02T08:22:00",
  25.                "availabilityStarts":"2017-03-02T08:22:00"
  26.             },
  27.             "hasMenuSection":[
  28.                {
  29.                   "@type":"MenuSection",
  30.                   "name":"Starters",
  31.                   "description":"Appetizers and such",
  32.                   "image":"",
  33.                   "offers":{
  34.                      "@type":"Offer",
  35.                      "availabilityEnds":"2017-03-02T08:22:00",
  36.                      "availabilityStarts":"2017-03-02T08:22:00"
  37.                   },
  38.                   "hasMenuItem":{
  39.                      "@type":"MenuItem",
  40.                      "name":"Potato Skins",
  41.                      "description":"Small serving of stuffed potato skins.",
  42.                      "offers":{
  43.                         "@type":"Offer",
  44.                         "price":"7.49",
  45.                         "priceCurrency":"USD"
  46.                      },
  47.                      "suitableForDiet":""
  48.                   }
  49.                },
  50.                {
  51.                   "@type":"MenuSection",
  52.                   "name":"Soups & Salads",
  53.                   "description":"Salads and a few choices of soup",
  54.                   "image":"",
  55.                   "offers":{
  56.                      "@type":"Offer",
  57.                      "availabilityEnds":"2017-03-02T08:22:00",
  58.                      "availabilityStarts":"2017-03-02T08:22:00"
  59.                   },
  60.                   "hasMenuItem":{
  61.                      "@type":"MenuItem",
  62.                      "name":"Pea Soup",
  63.                      "description":"Creamy pea soup topped with melted cheese and sourdough croutons.",
  64.                      "offers":{
  65.                         "@type":"Offer",
  66.                         "price":"3.49",
  67.                         "priceCurrency":"USD"
  68.                      }
  69.                   }
  70.                }
  71.             ]
  72.          }
  73.       ]
  74.    }
  75. }
  76. </script>
Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.